Free sports injury clinic

For acute injuries in a school commissioned sport—ages middle school through college. Please call 307.754.7704 for an appointment. The clinic runs during the fall and winter sports season, generally through the end of October or early November.

  • The visit with a provider is free; however, a fee is required if x-rays are taken.
  • Staff available to schedule follow-up appointments, physical therapy and additional tests if desired.
  • We also provide Athletic Trainer Services for Northwest College, Powell High School, Lovell High School and Rocky Mountain High School.

Concussion management

Concussions are increasingly a more common problem in sports and have the potential for dangerous complications if not managed appropriately. Our sports concussion management program will help educate athletes, coaches and parents on the prevention, recognition and treatment of concussions.

Given the complexities of concussion management, it is important to manage concussions with a multi-disciplinary approach on a case-by-case basis using the most comprehensive exam and innovative neurocognitive tests available.

ImPACT is a neuropsychological testing program that is an invaluable tool to help evaluate head injuries and help guide the management plan for a safe return to play following head injuries.

We provide free ImPACT baseline testing for local athletes. If you compete in football, wrestling or soccer, you especially want to complete the baseline ImPACT testing.