At PVHC we strive to provide safe, compassionate, and sincere care to our patients. Don’t just take our word for it though! Read on to learn about our patients’ experiences…in their own words.

Tim Bickham

Ralston, Wyoming

In Tim’s words…

“I’ve had 10 operations.  This one was the best experience of them all!  I would give it a 10, A-number one perfect.  I can’t say one bad thing about anyone involved with my care.  All the nurses before and after surgery were excellent.  They made everything easy and ensured that I was comfortable with having the surgery.  The team was always smiling and had a good sense of humor.  Prior to this surgery, I worked with the pain management team for a while.  They were phenomenal as well and helped me with controlling the pain.  We also appreciate Dr. Jimmy and Rachel Biles for their work in helping bring Dr. Sielatycki to Powell and Cody and for Dr. Biles’ follow-up call to check on me after my surgery.

Bryan Tipton was really good about being available for any questions or concerns we had.  He told us to call if we needed anything.  He was very helpful and great at explaining medications and how they work.  Dr. Sielatycki, who did my surgery, came in and talked to me and explained everything.  Then Bryan came and saw me.  Everyone was great with following up with me, and the nurses made it way easier to go through the surgery process.  This team is just awesome.”

Becky Croft (her daughter, Kaylee, pictured with Kinsey)

Powell, Wyoming

In Becky’s Words…

 “We are so happy to have found Kinsey Baxter with Powell Valley Healthcare. Currently, she is providing occupational therapy for our daughter, Kaylee, to assist with her sensory needs. Since working with Kinsey, we have seen so much growth in our daughter. Everyday tasks, such as getting dressed can turn into very stressful events for us. Our daughter is now wearing long sleeved shirts. This may seem like a minor activity; however, in the past, this was not a possibility.

Our daughter loves going to see Kinsey; she is so amazing with kids. Kinsey’s professionalism, guidance and knowledge are only a few of the reasons that I would highly recommend Kinsey Baxter to any family looking for support with occupational therapy.”

Sarah Moncur

Lovell, WY
Patient Stories

In Sarah’s Words…

“I appreciated that I could trust that you had my best interests at heart. I could trust in the decisions you made because I had developed a relationship with you. I could trust that if forceps or a vacuum or even if a c-section had been the route taken, it would be because it was necessary, and all other options had been tried.

I want you to know how grateful I am for you and the nurses who took care of me and for the calls and decisions you made when I didn’t know what to do. I think I can say, this was my easiest delivery and it wasn’t that easy. Thank you for pushing through it with me and for being there for me and my family. I look forward to seeing you again at my 2 week & 6 week checkups.”

Whitney & Tyson Sullivan

Cody, Wyoming

In Whitney’s words…

Our little angel came 3 weeks and 1 day early, so we were not prepared, but the PVHC team made us feel so calm and taken care of. They prepared us for all possibilities while educating us on the best natural birthing options. It was my first time giving birth without an epidural, and I loved it! They used counter pressure and other natural techniques to get me through the contractions. It was one of the best experiences of my life.  We were a team.  It wasn’t medical professionals telling us what to do. We were able to comfortably make the best decisions for our family with the amazing PVHC team there to assist us.

The team was top notch with a tremendous amount of warmth and incredible bedside manner. Everyone was very knowledgeable, calm, and excelled at their jobs.  What stood out was how nurturing the team was. By the time we left it felt like we were leaving our friends. The new La-Z-Boys for dads and Netflix was an amazing touch and made us feel right at home.


Trudy Cozzens

Powell, Wyoming

In Trudy’s words…

“My doctor told me about the pulmonary rehabilitation program at PVHC.  He sent me there and it is the best thing I could have ever done.  I experienced severe issues from covid back in February 2022, even with being vaccinated for it.  I thought I would always be on oxygen.  When I first started my rehabilitation at PVHC, my oxygen saturation was terrible.  It was at 81 to 82 percent.  After completing the program my oxygen saturation is now 93 to 94 percent.  When I saw my oxygen results at the end of the program, I wanted to cry I was so happy.  I know I wouldn’t be here where I am today without this program.  I would recommend it to anyone having breathing issues.  My doctor didn’t think it was possible, but I reached my goal.  I wanted to get better and not be on oxygen.  My lungs are clear now and I don’t need oxygen.

I will continue working to care for my pulmonary health.  Cyndy gave me so much good information to help me.  She gave me exercises I can do at home plus an exit plan for places to go to get involved in other exercise programs.  Cyndy has so much helpful information to give to patients struggling with lung issues.”

Frank Baner

Powell, Wyoming

In Frank’s words…

“Just prior to the Covid pandemic, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. The obvious symptoms I had were short steps and balance issues. I followed my physician’s advice to begin physical therapy at Powell Valley Healthcare to combat this debilitating ailment. While attending physical therapy, I was informed of a program specific to Parkinson’s called BIG. The program was quite intense, with daily homework assignments. Upon completing the BIG program for Parkinson’s, I have noticed improvement with my strength, improved posture, and a decrease in my risk for falls. I can sincerely endorse PVHC physical therapy and the LSVT BIG program to anyone seeking professional care. Every member of the PVHC team has been successful in aiding my endeavor against Parkinson’s.”

Terry Tarbett

Wapiti Wyoming

In Terry’s words…

“I had two procedures done at Powell Valley Healthcare with Dr. Wilde and his amazing Surgical team.  The OR Staff were very good about calling me to get the procedures set up, and making sure that I had what was needed.  The nurse was very kind and encouraging.  She said, “We will take good care of you!”  When I walked into the front door, Dr. Wilde’s Surgical Team made me feel right at home.  Jennifer was the nurse that came to get me the morning of my procedures.  She was very “down home,” and was very professional and personable.  This made me feel very comfortable.  When the other members of Dr. Wilde’s Surgical Team came into my room, Lindsey and Tony, everyone was kind and professional.  I knew that I was in good hands, and they did take good care of me!  You could tell that they all enjoy working together and that they enjoy their jobs!  Patty cared for me in recovery and was also awesome. Thanks to ALL of you! 

Everyone made some tough procedures “Fun,” and I felt like they were my best friends.  Dr. Wilde and his entire Surgical Team all have Hearts of Gold!  Dr. Wilde came into my recovery room right after the procedures.  He explained in easy-to-understand language what he found, and answered all of my questions.  A few days after my procedures, I got a signed “Thank You” card from the surgical staff, which showed me, that it was more than just health care business, that everyone there actually cares!  To be honest, I am quite impressed with Dr. Wilde and his Surgical Team!  If you need any surgical procedures done, I whole heartily recommend Dr. Wilde!  Dr. Wilde and his Surgical Team will ‘Take good care of you!’ “

Rod Garvin

Powell, Wyoming

In Rod’s Words…

“Brittany, and the SPEAK OUT! program, has made communicating functional and fun again! I’m no longer repeating myself constantly, I’m not getting frustrated as often when communicating, and I’m more social!” 

Dave Johnson

Powell, Wyoming

In Dave’s Words…

“In late March, I could not breathe.  I went to the ER in the Powell Hospital and was immediately taken care of.  Dr. Olejnik and several nurses were administering IVs and tests for other possible problems.  On the advice of the ER doctor, I was admitted to the hospital.  Dr. Aida Polson was my doctor the whole time I was there, which was 4 days.  She checked on me several times during the day and prescribed very effective antibiotics and other medicines to correct my illness.

During my 4-day stay I got acquainted with several nurses; including Robin, Tilly, Sammi, Pat, Melissa, and others that I am unable to recall their names right now.  I was amazed at how kind, helpful, considerate, and professional each of the nurses were.  They were always asking me if they could get anything for me, do anything for me, if I was warm enough, and if I needed anything.  Each nurse was very professional in taking my vitals in a timely manner, and making sure all vitals were in order.

On one occasion, during my hospital stay, I was sitting on the couch in the waiting area around 3:00 in the morning.  Sammi walked by on her way to see another patient and she stopped and asked me if I would like a snack.  She gave me several options, and I chose ice cream.  A couple days later, Sammi came into my room and offered me and my wife some ice cream.  The nursing staff is so sweet, kind, caring, and professional, which made my hospital stay a wonderful experience.

The food from the kitchen was very, very good.  From scrambled eggs and bacon to hot roast beef and salmon with all the trimmings.  The delivery of food to my room was done in a very timely manner.

Dr. Aida Polson ordered a heart stress test with Dr. Kelly, and a PET scan in Billings, as well as a pulmonary test with Paige in cardiopulmonary, who was very kind and professional.  Dr. Polson determined that I needed outpatient care of antibiotics for a complete cure.

The treatment I received from everyone was marvelous.  It was a wonderful experience, and should I need medical care again, it will be in the Powell Hospital.”